Hollie & Hilarius

Hollie & Hilarius

Hi, I’m Hollie I’m 17 and I live in Holyport, near Maidenhead. I’m so thrilled to have been selected to be a Honeychop Star to represent SouthEast Rider Magazine and I really can’t wait to share all my news with all the readers. My horses and I are based with Tony Pearson at Glennifer Riding Stables in Hawthorn Hill, very near to Windsor it’s a great yard, lots of friendly faces and encouragement and a wealth of knowledge. Tony and Patrick who run the yard are great and they are all really supportive of me and what I get up too as are the other Glennifer Gallopers!!

Sep blog

At Scope

Since the age of 6 I’ve had a love of horses, I started riding at the local riding school just once a week. It soon became clear that this wasn’t going to be enough so I moved to a local yard and loaned my first pony. As my obsession and love of riding grew I found myself spending every waking moment at the yard. I was lucky enough to be at a competition yard and had a huge amount of support and help and I was able to start competing at BS shows. This in turn led to being able to compete at all the junior shows such as POYS, SCOPE, HICKSTEAD, WELSCH MASTERS and BLUECHIPS. Having been incredibly lucky to ride fantastic ponies belonging to other people, my parents finally succumbed to my ambition and brought me my first “own” pony Smokey Jay 1V when I was 12 and a few years later a 2nd pony Tiernisks Cruising Clover. Having had great success as a junior and numerous placing’s at Scope, Bluechips and winning at the Pony of the Year.

Holiie jumping Class 4 Foxhunter 1.20m

Holiie jumping Class 4 Foxhunter 1.20m

I have now started on my senior career path where I am lucky enough to have Hilarius. Hilarius is a 16.2 Belgium warm blood. Born in 2007 I have owned him since March 2014. Hilarius was my first “senior ride” and he certainly lives up to his name. Hilarius and I are having a great 2015 with some great results, he’s brave and bold and super careful and jumps his heart out for me. We are currently competing at 1.20m and 1.25m. I also have Delina, who is a 6yr old 16.3 Belgium Warm Blood. Delina and I are a fairly new partnership and I have had her since October 2014, Delina was Purchased from Shane Breen as a 5yr old, Delina is a huge talent and I am hoping that we will go far, at just 6 years old Delina has just stepped up to 1.20m Foxhunter level. She is a lovely calm mare and so scopey. We compete at all the major shows and have had a huge amount of success and obtained some great results.

Hollie & Hilarius at Hickstead

Hollie & Hilarius at Hickstead

When I’m not competing then I’m at Berkshire College of Agriculture studying Equine. I have already gained my BHS Stage 1 & 2 and I’m now studying for my BHS Stage 3 and Preliminary Teaching Test (PTT) after that I will continue to study for my Assistant Instructor (BHSAI) I also teach private lessons and assist with Show Jumping rallies for the Pony Club.

I have a fantastic coach Kerry Grimster she’s amazing and super talented herself and helps me with everything. I’ve had the best year so far and I have been lucky enough to be selected for the Pony Club Rider Development Pathway Squad 2015 being one of only 2 show jumpers selected from across the country. I had 8 top 6 placings at the Welsh Masters in April and 10 placings at Scope festival in August where I also won my 1st FEI Amateur International Tittle. I also won at Hickstead in May and won PC Open Dengie National Championships 2015.

I’m really looking forward to the day at Tim Pages yard it’s going to be really exciting and I can’t wait to get some top tips that I can try out on the horses.

Exciting things to come in the next few months. The winter season is now here and I’m looking forward to the BlueChip qualifiers and the Winter qualifiers –  I also have a new ride Ryan’s Hollie a 15.2,  9 year old mare, so watch this space.

Hollie J