So after a couple of months out of action with my bad back, I have finally managed to get back in the saddle, and ride, I am by no means back to full health but I have managed to ride and with the help of my friend Candice keeping Mikey ticking over when my back has been too sore (thank you Candice!) we have managed a few show outings and picked up a few ribbons too.

Thanks to a competition in Horse and Rider magazine a few months back I won some tickets to the Longines Global Championship Show in London so we spent the day watching some top class show jumping, was good fun – some of the jumps were massive!

I think I had a moment of madness and after just one ride back in the saddle after 2 months of no riding (in walk and trot only!) I entered the ridden coloured class Bucks County – queue a mild panic and “showing boot camp” for me and Mikey to get us ready for the show – which was a Royal International Horse Show Qualifier – Bucks is a pretty big deal in terms of county shows round our way and I really wanted to make sure we didn’t show ourselves up!  I am pleased to say we did ourselves proud and up against some serious competition and managed a 5th place – I was over the moon.

Bucks County Show

With a very last minute qualification achieved we headed to the Chiltern Thames Championship earlier this month, last year the magazine announced it was closing down which would mean we also lost the annual championships that I have done with Mikey every year since owning him, but thanks to some new investor’s both the magazine and show have been reinvented!  The show was in a new venue, Bury Farm, and there were a few changes to how the show was run, I had a really good time, we won the Riding Club class after a foot perfect show and got a lovely stash of prizes, some Simplyboost Recovery, from Equilibrium Products a Robinsons Horse and Rider First Aid Kit and some Restore supplement from Global Herbs – thank you to Chiltern Thames Magazine and all the generous sponsors!   Some changes have been announced already for next year – and I for one will be aiming to qualify and showing my support to the show.  If you want to find out more about the show head to their website.

Chiltern Thames Championships – Our winning red rosette and prize stash!


Other outings included the BSPA (British Skewbald and Piebald Association) Annual World of Colour Championship Show at Keysoe, and Thame Horse and County Show.   We came home with ribbons each time which is always nice, we even managed some prize money at Thame, £30 for coming 2nd in the CHAPS class – it’s great these shows manage to get prizes and offer prize money and at least paid for the fuel for a few of the trips out!

World of Colour Championship

Thame Horse and County Show

Mikey has had a bit of “house keeping” this month, we’ve had our six monthly saddle check, I don’t know about you and your horses but I find he changes shape so much and so I like to know his saddles are fitting correctly.  He also had his annual dentist appointment – he was a very good boy and no problems reported.

I hate to say it but I am fighting off clipping at the moment!  Mikey has such a thick coat, I think I am going to have to give in and get the clippers out next weekend!  I know from my friends most of us loathe the job of clipping so if you are having to get your horse done soon – good luck!  I think I had to clip four times last year – and to say he’s a fidget wouldn’t do his tickly neck any justice!

Keep an eye on the Honeychop socials for our new “Honeychop Horsey Hacks” series – we want to know what “hacks” you’ve got – what do you do that saves you time or money at the yard? We will be sharing some of our ideas but would love to hear from you and each month we will select one lucky winner to feature in our Hacks series and also win a bag of Honeychop!

One last thing from me – I am delighted with the news that my Honeychop sponsorship will continue for a further 12 months – and very much look forward to continuing to work with Rachel and the team.

 Until next time

Laura and Mikey x