A year in review … Hello 2018!
As I sit here, stuffed to the brim with turkey, mince pies and one too many helpings from the cheese board I started to reflect on 2017! And the truth is, it’s been a pretty tough year for me, plagued with pain and sleepless nights due to my bad back from my prolapsed disc, days off work, weeks of no riding – the one thing I love to do, 2 sets of steroid injections and an operation later I for one will be quite pleased to see the back of this year and welcome in the new one.
So; what have I learnt this year? Well for one, you need to look after yourself, no one else can do it, take care of your body and mind, go for that extra walk, get to the gym, make sure you are strong, take some time out, read a book, whatever, do what you need to do to stay happy and healthy because its important. What else have I learnt? When the chips are down you really know who your good friends and close family supporters are, the ones that step up to help you out, to drive you to the doctors, come round and watch TV because you can’t leave the house, or send you a text to ask how you are doing, or the massive task of looking after your horse when you cant (!). Thank you everyone, you know you are! The final thing I have learned from my last 6 weeks of mainly being sat around the house with time on my hands to think, is that you can’t always have a plan, know the answers and be on your A game, sometimes you just have to roll with the punches, deal with what is in front of you, take a breath and be OK with that – I am sure like many of you I am sometimes so busy running from one thing to the next that you don’t always get a chance just to “Be”. Maybe my time off has been a good thing after all!
As we head in to 2018, I’m not one for New Years Resolutions, does anyone ever keep them anyway? But what I do hope for is for my friends and family, myself included to stay happy and healthy – that’s the goal for 2018. On the horsey front, I hope Mikey stays sound (never an easy task with horses!) and continues to bring me the fun and happiness he has for the last 3 years. I’m not sure I have set myself any goals for the year just yet, if I am honest stage one is to just to get back in the saddle, and just enjoy being pain free – once I am at that point, then I might start thinking about some plans – for now at least we take each day as it comes.
I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and got to spend time with the important people in your life, and I wish you all a happy and healthy 2018!
Until the next time
Laura and Mikey x