Hello Honeychoppers!

How are you all doing?  I hope you have survived the heat wave we have all been experiencing and enjoying the cooler weather of the last day or so, I have no idea how we have become a nation obsessed with when it is going to rain next rather than moaning we have had too much rain! In fact only today I was on the phone to my boss and looked out the window to see the wet stuff falling from the sky (a rare occurance these last few weeks) and announced “it’s raining” – I think he was left a little confused as to why I was so happy about rain!

The last month has been fairly quite for us, however we did have an amazing few days down in Norfolk at Holkham Beach, if you have never been I highly recommend it, with the ground as hard as rock from all the hot weather meant a few days away on the beach was the perfect excuse to really open up the horses and enjoy some good gallops, the beach at Holkham is vast and goes on for miles and miles, one thing that really stands out is that all of the visitors are so horse friendly making it a really great experience.  We stayed just up the road at a place called Mill Farm Holidays, the horses had their own field and we stayed in the Horsebox, it’s a perfect horsey getaway, we spent our time either galloping along the beach, chilling out with a Kopperberg in the sunshine, or eating!  What’s not to love?!

We also played ‘models’ again earlier this month, this time for a photo shoot for Equilibrium Products having been asked to review their ride on fly mask, to see what I had to say about the mask have a look at my review here.

Next weekend we head of to the British Dressage Petplan Area Festivals, I am doing the prelim and the novice, and I am working really hard to make sure we are ready and put our best foot forward, the first job is to learn both tests as you aren’t allowed a caller at the championships, I really struggle to remember two tests but I am hoping with one test each day I can so some last minute practise for the second test – watch this space to hear how we do!

That’s all from us, until next time.

Laura and Mikey x