Hi Honeychoppers, how are you all? Laura here with a little update on our progress, you may remember in our last blog things had been pretty tough over the last six months whilst we have been rehabbing Mikey’s proximal suspensory – well I am pleased to report that it does FINALLY feel like we are turning a nice big corner and making some good progress! Hurrah!

We are now heading in to week 11 of ‘work’ – we are up to an hour ridden work just in walk, but last week, we managed our first few trot steps! And what a good boy Mikey was – in fact he was so laid back (or lazy!) the first trot I didn’t even manage to get, and had to wait for the next long side before asking again with a couple of big pony club style kicks – he soon got the idea though and I was able to reduce my aid once he realised what was going on. Over the next few weeks we will build up the trot work and then our vet will come back out to do another review to give us (hopefully) the all clear to carry on increasing the workload.

Taking a snooze post an early morning ride!

We have also started a weekly visit to the water treadmill to help our rehab process, we have done two visits so far and will keep up a weekly visit for at least the next couple of months. Mikey has been on a water treadmill before, so thankfully is very good, and the team at Twyford Mill are great so I know we are in safe hands.


With being out of action for so long, Mikey (and me, whoops!) have definitely put on a few lbs in the process, and now we are doing longer durations in the saddle, I decided to get my saddle fitter out to check my saddle and I am glad I did as it did need adjusting, we have gone from a medium wide to a wide gullet (thank god for an adjustable saddle!) and had a little bit of fresh flocking added, Charlotte will come back out once we have introduced canter in to our work and hopefully pop the saddle back to the medium wide fitting as the weight will hopefully have been shifted!

That’s all for now, let’s hope next month I can report some more progress and good news, I hope you all have a great time over the Easter break and get to spend some time with your family, friends and four legged friends too!

Until next time, Laura and Mikey x