Happy autumn!
Is it just me or does blog time come around quicker every month?! I can’t believe it’s the end of September already. That’s 5 months since Gerry first went off now! It feels like a lifetime. Hopefully he’s going to be in a place soon where we can start incorporating a bit of trot work, his next review is the second weekend in October, so wish us luck for that! We had a couple of backward steps this month, his companion in the injury paddock sadly came down with laminitis and went onto boxrest, so Gerry had to go back into the big field with the other geldings, he was delighted but it did mean there was some running about and a wee carry on! Horses will be horses! I did get back on him a handful of times as his daily walks got longer, but once he was back in the big field moving around all the time I stopped riding him again. I just want to be sure he’s ready to come back into work and check with the vet before I crack on. I’ve waited 5 months so whats another couple of weeks 😊
For having been out of work he is looking pretty good at the moment, he’s been eating calm & shine and LOVING munching on the marigolds! I was considering swapping him onto the natural choice alfalfa for the winter if he starts to drop any condition, but I can cross that bridge if/when it comes. His weight does fluctuate a bit, and I’m not sure yet whether he will have access to haylage 24hrs in winter, or just over night. We won’t be moving for the winter again this year after all the stress it caused him last year, it’s totally not worth it! Hate to think back on how unhappy he was when we temporarily moved yard, so not this year 😊
Honeychop Natural Choice Alfalfa is free from molasses, its a non-heating low sugar, slow release fibre feed blend with alfalfa, timothy grass and oat straw. Coated with linseed and rapeseed oil, its perfect for fuelling work and promoting condition. Natural Choice Alfalfa is high in calcium and this, combined with linseed (flax seed) oil is ideal to promote general health and coat condition. Studies have shown that due to the high calcium concentration, alfalfa is a natural buffer to acidity in the digestive system! Blended with cinnamon and a mix of real herbs known for their natural antioxidant properties it is the perfect low calorie palatable fibre feed to add to Gerrys diet. With a typical sugar content of 3% I can be sure that I’m limiting the amount of sugar in his diet.
This month I took delivery of my new side saddle habit! It was made bespoke by Showtime Supplies, and I had it fitted at the national side saddle show back in August. It is absolutley lovely and I cant wait to get it into the show ring! I’ve wanted a navy habit ever since I started riding side saddle, so now I have one I cant help but feeling like Ariel…”my collections complete!” I am delighted with the habit and would highly recommend showtime supplies for any one requiring any bespoke equestrian show gear!
Have you seen the new live chat feature on the Honeychop website? Its great! Really handy for any questions that might crop up as you browse the website. The team at Honeychop HQ are always on hand to answer any questions you may have. I cant wait to be reunited with them all in November!
So not much to report this month really – maybe next month I’ll have bigger and better news! And I don’t doubt by then I’ll have started packing for my trip down south! Yay!
Until then, enjoy the beautiful autumnal sunsets,
Grace & Gerry x