Welcome to level 2……freezing February!

Beautiful Scottish winter sunrise

Its been a cold old month! Not only that but Hector had a bit of the cold too, poor boy had a wee infection which needed treated with some antibiotics and anti-inflammatory. It cleared up after a couple of weeks and he was happy to get back into work! We have been for some short hacks and done some easy stretchy sessions in the school to get him back into it. He’s wintering well, I don’t foresee any problems keeping weight on him, ever!

Hector can be quite anxious around new people, he’s always been fine with us but I noticed when people came for appointments, the farrier, vet etc. I recently bought the Premier Performance CZ calming cookies. I didn’t go out looking for any form of calmer for Hector, he needs a bit more oomph in his ridden work if anything! But when I found the calming cookies in the feed shop, I thought they sounded great for just taking the edge off for his appointments. I would always be sceptical of such things, as I think most people would be, but I can honestly say I am so impressed with this product. Both the farrier and I noticed a difference in Hector while he was last shod, I had fed him 2 cookies about an hour before his appointment and it just seemed to take the edge of, if he was a bit worried getting shod he would reverse or shy away from the farrier but he didn’t do that at all this time.

I stocked up on Lite & Healthy for winter and have a trailer full! It is definitely my favourite product – if you haven’t tried it out yet – why not?!I’m sure you could also be persuaded to purchase a bag of the new product – Topline and shine to be in with a chance of finding a golden ticket to WIN a free bag of Honeychop and a brand new rug for your steed! What are you waiting for!

I am seriously missing the Honeychop gang, it feels so strange not to have had my yearly visit to see them all and visit Your Horse Live! I really hope this year things can start to get back to normal, or at least a new form of normal where we can socialise again safely!

When I’m writing my next blog, we’ll be on approach to spring and that seriously excites me! We’re nearly there folks.. the nights are definitely getting longer and it will be sunny again soon!!

Take care, stay safe.

Grace and Hector x

Evening Stretch Session!