Spring has sprung!
Hey everyone, how are you all? We are loving this spring weather, sunshine and *slightly* warmer temperatures!
I have continued plugging away with Hectors flatwork and I am pleased to report he’s coming on great. We’ve been having regular lessons again, and each time I’ve finished feeling really pleased with how he has ridden, and motivated to keep practicing. Hector is very quick to learn, and it really makes things easier, you ask him to do something just a few times and then he just seems to nail it, he’s very clever! We’ve also been….jumping! Hector absolutely loves jumping and i…well I’ll get there! I’m still quite nervous about jumping, but aiming to try and jump at least once a week to build confidence, nothing overly challenging – and definitely not big height wise, but enough to keep us both building confidence and positivity. Although he does love jumping, Hector can be a wee monkey in front of a fence.. He is quick to dodge out the side of a fence he’s not sure of, which is usually when there is a filler in front of the fence, or even just at the side! I have been bringing the fillers out into the school and schooling round them on non-jumping days. I just want him to get used to seeing them and be less bothered about them, but it might take us some practice! I would love one day for us to be jumping some working hunter classes, so he will really need to find his brave pants for that! I’ll continue to practice at home with the scariest things I can find!
Hector is looking good just now, thanks to Honeychops Lite & Healthy he is not too chunky and we’re feeling prepared for spring. I have his muzzle at the ready! Lite and Healthy is a molasses free natural fibre blend. Its low calorie and easily digestible fibre. Suitable for your good-doers like Hector! natives & those prone to laminitis. Also great for horses with allergies, Lite and Healthy is free from: molasses, alfalfa and soya. It includes real herbs & cinnamon with natural antioxidants and it smells divine! I wish you could smell it through your screen.. You can however, request a sample from Honeychop if you want to give it a try! Go on, your horse will love you for it.
Check out the full details here, there is even a great video on the product : Honeychop Lite & Healthy | Honeychop
I recently downgraded my car and got rid of my Navara, it was pretty good for towing but as an every day car it was just so expensive to run! I will get my towbar on my new car later this month, then Hector will need to practice loading again before we can get out and about on adventures representing team Honeychop. But its something to look forward to again having not been out anywhere since 2020 😊
Lastly for this month… check out this beautiful painting of Hector! One of our neighbours started a small craft business.. you should definitely check it out, Robert it very talented. -bobsyourunclecrafts on FB & Insta!
Take care! Until next month, Grace & Hector x