I am sure like me that you have been very thankful for the sunshine that we seem to have been enjoying this last little while after what seemed like a pretty miserable spring.  It has been glorious where I live and makes everything seem that little bit better!

With all the dry weather and therefore hard ground it has caused me a few issues with Mikey and his feet – he ended up with some concussion and wasn’t quite right, after a vet visit and consulting with my wonderful farrier we have opted for some raised pads to firstly help Mikey feel more comfortable in his frog and soles, but also to help the HPA (hoof pastern axis).  His heels are quite low and flat and we have always said he might need some remedial farrier work to rectify this, it has been a bit of a learning curve for me but really interesting to see what can be done to help with this, of course his new Cuban heels (as I fondly nicknamed them) do come at a price having doubled my bill each time, but within 24 hours of the pads being fitted Mikey was so much more comfortable and so they have definitely been worth it.  We hope that we can reduce the slant on the pad (the pad is currently 10ml at the heel) over the next few shoeing’s and then eventually remove the pads completely watch this space – I will keep you posted! Look at these before and after photos – what a difference!

Last month I started a new job, so it has certainly been full on for me, but I am loving my new role, and even better I get to talk horses all day as I am now working for an equestrian manufacturer! 

I have also been volunteering as part of the vaccination role out programme with the St John’s Ambulance everyone has been so grateful to get their jab it has felt really rewarding, unfortunately with work being so busy I am not sure how many shifts I will be able to do moving forwards but I will try and do at least one or two a month when I can!

With Mikey hopefully feeling better and going well I am hoping I can get to a couple of shows with him over the next few months.  I have a dressage to music floorplan and music arrangement and I only ever got to run it once, pre his injury, so I am debating pulling the CD out of the cupboard and perhaps giving it a go – it will be almost 3 years since I have ridden a dressage so it goes without saying we will be a bit rusty, but the music I have is amazing, and suits us so well, so I think it might be time to come out of dressage retirement and see how we go!

That is all for now from us, I hope you are all keeping safe and well and enjoying the easing of restrictions, take care!

Until next month

Laura and Mikey x