Its been a super busy April! Though I felt like I didn’t have much planned, a lot has happened!...
It finally feels like spring! Sun, wind, hail and rain all in one day.. welcome to Scotland! Its been...
Stressage! Who’d have thought I’d be participating in stressage again, however, for good practice and side saddle points… we...
Spot of show jumping? Ive finally found my brave pants and we’ve been out jumping a few times this...
Happy new year! I hope you enjoyed the winter break and have set some goals for 2019 already! I...
A great season has come to an end…and what a season it has been! We’ve ridden at our last...
How can it be blog time again already? I feel like all the months are passing so quickly at...
Didn’t this month just fly by? I cant believe its over already, perhaps it’s because I’ve been so busy...